ULMWP stands in solidarity with Kanaky New Caledonia during the upcoming independence referendum

3rd November 2018

To the people of Kanaky,

On behalf of the people of West Papua, the ULMWP stands in solidarity with you and your nation on the eve of your historic independence referendum. As fellow Melanesian brothers and sisters, we are deeply inspired by your struggle for self-determination and independence.
This is a true act of democracy and a golden chance to choose your own destiny.

In West Papua, we are encouraged by your successful campaign for the same fundamental right that we continue to campaign for; that of Melanesian self-determination. Tomorrow’s referendum in Kanaky is shining a light towards self-determination and decolonisation. It is now West Papua’s chance to follow.

After a long and hard-fought struggle, your colonial power now provides the opportunity for Kanaky to determine its own fate in accordance with the fundamental right to self-determination. We hope that this will be an important lesson for Indonesia to learn from and allow us in West Papua to democratically and peacefully choose our own destiny too. Indonesia has a lot to learn from this referendum in Kanaky.

As a democratic referendum on independence, your vote is a powerful symbol for the world. The ULMWP and the people of West Papua will continue to support you and stand in full solidarity with your people and the future of your nation as you have always done with us.

Yours, in solidarity,

Benny Wenda
Chairman of The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP)